Bus Update – Its nice and cool in this bus….this time.

July 28, 2006

This post is coming to you as I ride the 81 north bus through Scottsdale. I’m almost at my stop, so this will be quick.

I still don’t have much of a sample…about a month and a half of riding the bus…but it seems like enough to comment on the number of times that the air conditioning does not work. In my short experiment, it has been broken about 25% of the time.

If the valley is serious about fixing the air quality, you think they could get some better buses. I don’t know what budgetary problems they have to deal with. Maybe it just is not in the cards to have decent buses. But it sure makes it tough to ride the bus in the summer.

I’m reducing carbon dioxide pollution by 10,400 pounds per year….what are you doing?

July 19, 2006

Facts presented by a website promoting An Inconvenient Truth suggest that by not driving a typical car 10 miles per week, one can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 500 pounds per year. If you want to know why I care…

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